That title actually makes a lot more sense then I realized. I have less than two and a half weeks until I go back to school. When I finally go back, it will be the start of my last year. I am extremely excited to get out of there. I want to get out of my school and away from almost everyone. I want to get to college and then I want to get on my own completely. I want to get an apartment in the city and leave every morning and come back every evening and not be accountable to anyone but me. I want a job, I want to do things myself because I'm sick of people doing things for me and then they turn around and guilt me about it. Alright, so to give you all a heads up: I am transforming this blog from an anything goes kind of thing into a Senior Year Blog. I'm going to keep track of nearly everything that happens this year. So let's start with the most I know about how my senior year is looking right now:
A Period: Apologetics- this class scares me a little bit. I have an essay due at least once a week in that class. I have worked with the teacher on different projects for the past four years and it's fairly likely that I will be one of his top students this year considering I'm going to be the year book editor this year and he's the guy that oversees the yearbook. But it still makes me pretty nervous.
B Period: American Government- this course does not scare me considering I've had the same teacher for history for four years and this will be my fifth. However, it still seems like the more difficult course that I've had with him.
C Period: Study Hall!!! <3>
D Period: American Literature- I don't want to go to class. I don't want to go to class. I don't want to go to class. I don't want to go to class. I don't want to go to class. I don't want to go to class. I have a new teacher for this class and he's known for being more difficult as a fifth grade teacher than all our high school's teachers combined. He TERRIFIES me.
E Period: Lunch.<3>
F Period: Study hall. Horrible people in there that I never talk with.
G Period: Study Hall. More horrible people I don't like and never talk to.
H Period: Finance. AKA my dad's class. It's going to be embarrassing.
Somewhere I'm supposed to also fit in my independent Spanish 5 class with my mom who is the spanish teacher at my school. UGH. Not looking forward to that either.
Next, I have, hopefully, dual enrollment for one class a semester at a local college. Which I have to go to orientation for on Thursday. I also have my first driving lesson on Thursday. :/ Ick.
More later.
Peace Love and Orangoutangs,
Quite a nice read Maggie. You are an interesting person!! :p
ReplyDeleteThanks =]