So bloggers, here's the deal. My dad is making me write at least fifteen minutes every week in order to get my new phone which requires a monthly data package where as my current phone does not. Torture right? Well fine, I'm up for it.
I should probably explain why my father has such a keen interest in my blog all of a sudden. Right? Okay, well I want to go to this particular college that is much more expensive than a state college or a state university and is a private out-of-state college. This university offers a scholarship. Of about 25,000 dollars at least. I have a fairly good chance of getting it already because of my grades and it is for communication majors. Which I will be one once I actually get to college. But a key thing that is required is a portfolio. I have a little less than a year to develop a scholarship-winning portfolio. Apparently a blog is a great part to have in your portfolio according to this professor I talked to there. So yay! I already have one- this, duh- and now I need to make it so some person who has money will look at it and say- sure, we can give her our money. And that will be that.
I need an angle though. Something that appeals to a certain demographic. I think it will probably be along the lines of senior year of high school/applying for scholarships/applying to college journey type idea. Wow this was a lot longer than I expected.
But don't worry I'll still have occasional random posts that will be enjoyed by all. Hopefully.
So here's what happened this weekend. My parents got a call a few weeks ago from this company offering free airline tickets if they went to a 90 minute seminar about what they thought was a time share company. My mom was reluctant but both me and her have been planning two separate trips in the summer so we could really use the plane tickets.
The seminar was not for timeshares. The seminar was for a travel company that gets people top of the line stuff ( 5 star hotels, great rental cars, condominiums, airplane tickets, etc.) for ridiculously cheap prices. But you had to buy a membership. They decided to buy one in the first ten minutes. Hey, whatever works.
So now my parents are planning a bunch upcoming trips, the most likely ones to happen: Prague (my mom's idea), England/Ireland around Christmas time (my dad's dream) and the Netherlands (my dream). I'm going down to Texas to see my best friend in July too and my mom is going to Chicago and Florida sometime this summer. I love traveling and I am beyond psyched. Thought I'd share with all my fellow bloggers.
Live Long and Prosper.