Thursday, September 10, 2009

On the topic of The Sandman...

It has begun.
Okay, despite popular belief I actually do not despise school. Yes, it's boring. No, the friends are not the only reason I care about school. And yes, it adds a lot of work and effort. BUT, I'd rather be in school then constantly not doing anything. I'm now officially a junior. That still sounds weird not because I feel older in any way but junior means only two years of high school left. Two more years of living at home. Two more years until college. Junior year also means the dreaded horrid SAT's.
My classes are as follows:
  1. Worldview.
  2. Geography
  3. Spanish IV
  4. British Literature (Honors)
  5. Chemistry
I can't yet say which I actually dislike. I know Lit. will be the largest work load, Chem. will probably be the most difficult, Spanish IV will be the newest curriculum wise because this year is a lot different than the other years (more speaking and reading and writing- less vocab but more difficult). I can't really say anything for Geography and Worldview. My worldview teacher may be my favorite - we had a walking race in the hall on the first day. I won.
The thing about Lit. is that there are a lot of essays and reading. But reading and writing are my passions. And now we can actually discuss what's beneath the surface of everything. I'm invisible to my Russian English teacher but that's a story for another day.
I don't know how to say the way I feel about chemistry- I love learning about chemicals especially medicines but I will never be a medical person because I wouldn't be able to take school for as long as it takes to get any where in medicine.
Worldview is said to be very interesting but I don't know for sure. It's a lot of reading. Which I actually need to go do.
Alright, I'll shut up. I know this must be disgustingly boring.
Here's what I shall leave with:
Try coming up with something inspirational on the spot. Something deep. Something others will awe at. Try. Type in the address bar. It can be one sentence. If you come up with something leave it in a comment. It can even be a fragment. Just do it. Gopher it. Leave reasoning behind. Go forward! Jump. Stop questioning it. Stop wondering and thinking. It's there. It's already in your heart so put it down.
It won't hurt you. From here it can only help.
Jump my fellow humans. Jump.


  1. Wicked classes! I myself am a junior (Physics, Drama, Film/Video, American History, Ancient Civilizations) Just two more years until freedom, my fellow blogger! :D

  2. Yeah I'm on yearbook and soon the Camera club but that hasn't officially started though and it's the first year of it ever at my school because some friends convinced them we need one last year. :) Haha. Yes, 2 left. Strangest mix of fear and happiness I have ever known.
