I admit I do not have any clue who Jim Rohn is. But I like the quote because it pretty much sums up how I feel about school.
I completed the first "week" (it really was only three days but I'm going to run with this if you don't mind) back. It was pretty good. I went back Wednesday and had homework from six o'clock until ten o'clock. But the actual day was fantastic and I would not trade it for anything. It was probably the best first day back to school since second grade.
The teachers however have not been making the transition back the least bit easy on us. Let's put it this way: I had three papers due the very next day and they instituted a "Zero Tolerance Late Work Policy". We get a twenty percent reduction if we turn it in late the first time, but the second time we get a zero and still have to complete the homework after school with the teacher and they call your parents. I have never turned in homework late before but now I am just absolutely terrified.
Thursday dragged on for so long though. I do not have any clue why but it seemed to go on forever. I was so tired by the end of it but after that Friday was great. We read "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe in Literature which is one of my absolute favorites.
This year may be tough but I think I'm up for it. Let's hope.
Peace, Love, and Ravens,