Saturday, January 8, 2011

And we're back in the real world Toto.

Yep, I have officially started school again and the only thing it's done for me is make me excited for February vacation and overall college honestly.
I do not mind the work I have to do at school, I do mind the tedious talks they give that have no connection to the subject matter at hand. I want to either have the time to do the work they are assigning and have them not talking about things we already have learned for the past four years or I would rather them not assign these assignments. Period.
I have 2.5 weeks to prep for my mid-year exams. I have no idea was is supossed to be on them. And for some reason whenever any of us students ask them, they say "You don't need to worry about it." Yeah, why should we be concerned about fifty percent of our grade? We're obviously being overdramatic.

Well, because of stressful situations such as the aforementioned incidents I have devolped a nasty habit that I never knew existed: Bruxing. Bruxing, according to some site I found on google, is when you clench your jaw. Apparently, I do this. And I do it a lot. I clench my jaw when I am tired, nervous, upset, or under stress. Also, it turns out I not only do it when I am awake, I also do it when I am asleep so I wake up in the morning with severe jaw pain.
I found all this out when I thought that my wisdom teeth were coming in. No, they are not coming in which is good because I hate the idea of oral surgery. I went through a series of x-rays, including the one that spins all the way around your head and makes you wonder if they are aliens scanning your brain for information on how to take over earth, and after all that with no results to determine why I was having this pain that I was sure must be from my teeth being pushed together by intruding yet invisible wisdom teeth. I was wrong. And I'm brave enough to admit that to you.
My dentist then asked me: Are you under stress?
I answered no to this because I never really feel stressed. Normally I see a task that I must complete and I do it to my absolute best ability. After that, I forget about it. I move on with my life and fill my time with what I want to do.
The he asked: Do you grind your teeth? Or do you clench your jaw?
I said no to both because I never had thought the question before to myself. After thinking about it though, I realized I don't clench my teeth but I do seem to clench my jaw. Who does that!? Me.

Peace, Love and Pomeranians,

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year

Happy New Years!
So 2011 is going to bring at least three major events.
1. In Six months and eight days I will be graduating from high school.
2. I will be entering college and living somewhere completely new regardless of where I go. I may be living in the middle of nowhere or I may be living in the middle of one of my favorite cities. But that's a bit of a difficult choice since right now I live an hour from the city so I live in a very rural area which will be a big transition.
3. And finally, I will be turning eighteen, which is just exciting in general.

It's definitely going to be a year of changes.
I'm excited but cautious and determined to remain focused on what I need to be doing.
Hopefully in the next couple weeks I can let you in on that secret.

I have mid-years coming up around the end of this month which should not be too painful.

I spent New Year's Eve at my best friend Jessie's house celebrating her birthday and eating lots of Chinese food.

Final announcement:
I started another blog, I feel like it will actually help me focus on keeping updated here.
Check it out if you wish.

Peace, Love and Rabbits,