I have spent about the past four months dedicated to the dreadful, evil, treacherous, despicable and villainous SAT's. I have taken a class that was four hours at eight in the morning, every Saturday morning for five weeks where I would take a Practice SAT every Saturday. On Mondays I would have a three hour class from six to nine at night for six weeks. It would be after a long school day, and either softball practice or a softball game. Many times without having dinner before hand. Not fun to sit and study tricks at that time. Since the class ended I have taken the real SAT's twice. Both times at schools where I did not know one single person. Has anyone else had to do that? I don't really recommend it. It's kind of soul eating. If you know what I mean. You have a lot of people looking at you and all you can think is: You don't know me, I don't know you, can I please just take this test that was designed to make me fail so I can get out of here? I promise you will never have to see me again if you let me. Thank you stranger.
So now I am finished though. I got a good enough score to get into the colleges I want to go to and so that is fine by me. I took it the second time because everyone I talked to (with the exception of my mother who would prefer to save money) said that I should take it at least two times because "most people see their scores go up the second time" and so what's wrong with my score going up? I say nothing.
What have your pre-college-application experiences been? Good? Bad? Ugly?
Oh and by the way, if anyone knows prerequisites for college recommendation letters that I can pass on to my teachers then please let me know!